Monday, August 8, 2011

The First of (Hopefully) Many Thoughts...

Well, I decided to start another blog for no other reason than I'm incredibly bored and feel the need to write something (anything). Therefore, I'm sitting here on a Monday evening on a bed in my parents' basement, the place I'll be residing till I'm allowed to live in my (finished) townhouse.

Just now, Michael finished practicing his trumpet, and I must say he sounds wonderful. I practiced earlier. The results were varied-- not as good as I want to be, but certainly better than I expected.

In other news, I'm into the 3rd book of the Song of Ice and Fire series. I have absolutely no clue what's going to happen. It would seem that a lot of the major characters keep dying or get maimed in some way. No spoilers here though. If you've read the series at all, you'll know what I mean about the progression of the storyline. There are also some captivating characters that are ambiguous. I really like the complete lack of stock characters-- no one is truly good or truly evil just as real people are never truly good or evil. I found myself sympathetic towards characters that truly don't deserve sympathy-- like Jaime and Tyrion Lannister. Hmmm... We'll see how this plays out!

Well, I suppose I should actually do some work while Mike is doing his new teacher orientation. However, I honestly cannot bring myself to think about work-- even yearbook, which gives me anxiety issues when I think about just how much I don't know about it (everything). I suppose I should take steps to remedy this situation, but I need to figure out when I can get into the school, be trained, etc. We already received angry administrator email #1 about coming into the school-- let me not piss off my bosses before school even starts.

Sophie licks the remains of a Tasty Freeze M&M Freezie
Michael and I went to get ice cream. Sophie reaps the benefits of this decision. I have a Picasa album entitled "365 Day Photo Challenge"-- go and see it!

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